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Brownstone San Francisco

San Francisco's Brownstone Shared Housing: Coming Soon

900 a month for a studio apartment in San Francisco?

Brownstone Shared Housing, a company that offers shared living spaces in major US cities, is coming to San Francisco. The company's website lists a property in the Mission District as still in operation, but there is no way to apply to live in the unit online.

What is Brownstone Shared Housing?

Brownstone Shared Housing offers shared living spaces in major US cities. The company's website lists properties in New York City, Palo Alto, and San Francisco. The company's website states that its mission is to "provide affordable, flexible, and community-oriented housing options." For 900 a month, you could secure a full-fledged studio apartment in major US cities like St. Louis or Wichita. But in San Francisco, that same amount of money will only get you a bed in a shared room.

Brownstone Shared Housing is a company that offers shared living spaces in major US cities. The company's website lists properties in New York City, Palo Alto, and San Francisco. The company's website states that its mission is to "provide affordable, flexible, and community-oriented housing options."

Brownstone Shared Housing's San Francisco property is a four-bedroom, two-bathroom house located in the Mission District.
